Mamnoor Airport in Warangal: A Historical Overview and Revival Plans

Manor Airport warangal

Location: Warangal Airport, also known as Mamnoor Airport, is in Mamnoor, Warangal, Telangana, India. This was the biggest airport until 1981. The Telangana government is working hard to bring it back to life. There is around 1,000-acre land set aside for the new airport plans.


  • Built in: 1930 at Mamnoor in Warangal district.
  • Who built it: Last Nizam, Mir Osman Ali Khan.
  • Why: It was made to help businesses. One of them was the paper industry at Kagaznagar. Another one was the Azam Jahi Mills in Warangal.
  • Famous visitors: Many Prime Ministers and Presidents used this airport till 1981. Cargo services and Vayudoot services also loved this spot.


  • Size: The airport had 1,875-acre land.
  • Runway: 2 km long.
  • Features: It had houses for pilots and staff, a pilot training center, and more than one terminal.

Current State:

  • No flights are taking off or landing here now.
  • The Airports Authority of India lists Warangal Airport as one needing more attention.

Bringing it Back:

  • 2020: The Telangana government thought about getting 200 more acres around the airport.
  • They asked the Ministry of Civil Aviation to add the airport to the UDAN scheme.
  • 2022: Telangana government gave 250-acres to the Airports Authority of India (AAI). Before this, they had given 700-acres.
  • Efforts to restart the airport using the UDAN scheme started.
  • 2023: A special team checked the airport to speed up the work.
  • 31 July, 2023: Telangana’s leaders said “yes” to making the airport bigger. They will give the last 253 acres to the Airport Authority of India. This will help make a new terminal and a bigger runway for big planes like the Boeing 747.
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